The Connolly Family

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Today Emma is 4 weeks old!!
The past week was pretty good. Emma visited with lots of people and went to her 'Child Birth Class Reunion.'

Here are pictures of the past week.

We do alot of sleeping during the day.

Somehow she finds this comfy.

Emma went and visited her Great Grandpa Jim and Great Grandma Donna.

We went and visited with some of the people in our child birth class and saw how they were doing since their babys.

(From left to right) Emma - 4 weeks, Clayton - 7 weeks, Charlie - 8 weeks, John - 8 weeks.

Emma weighed the most of all of them at birth. She matched up in size pretty well with Clayton, who is almost a month older.

And no, Emma did not push them all over!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

More pictures!

These are a few of the pictures from Grandma Deani's Camera:
Some of them go all the way back to the begining.

Emma's Pediatrition
Our little burrito!

Robin visiting Emma at the hospital
Emma showed off for Vicki when she and Grandma came over to babysit, while Mom and Dad went out for a bite to eat!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Not much news to post. We had a fun weekend with lots of visits from family and friends. We always welcome visitors! Emma got to go outside and enjoy the nice weather on Sunday. I think she and Aimee both needed the fresh air.

This first picture is of Aimee at 4 days old. I wanted to show how much Emma looks like her and how Aimee loved to have her hands close by, just like Emma!

Some of Emma's visitors found her to be a little more vocal than usual!
Uncle Mike and Deanna got an earfull when they stopped by, but we were still glad to see them!

We were glad to have more visitors come to see Emma.
Thanks Gwen, Linda, Debbie and Grandma!

Even Aunt Clark stopped by!