The Connolly Family

Sunday, June 25, 2006

We're Back!

Its been a month now and Emma is growing more and more each day. She is figuring more and more things out each day. Such as that she can now put her feet in her mouth. She was proud of herself when she figured that out. Emma just had her second set of shots last week, and took them like a champ. She can roll from her back to stomache and then back over again. Soon we feel she will be mobile! Emma weighs about 15 pounds now, and is over 25 inches long. She seems to be teething already, but we are not sure if it is the upper teeth or the lower ones.

Here come the long awaited pictures of the month!

The book on the head was all Emma's doing!

I think Emma has figured out where the best place to sleep is!

Sampson has been getting a bit jeleous these days!

I think he was trying to bump Emma out of the picture!